
Company Profile

 Since our inception in 1996, the research, development,

manufacturing of power solutions have been our core mission. Through our dedication to quality and customer service, we  have developed into a leading organization in China serving a global customer base.

We pride ourselves on creating solutions that efficiently   utilize the expertises of our staff and uniquely address our customers’ requirements.In addition to rechargeable battery packs and chargers we also offer various consumer electronic items to meet every need.

We start with a commitment to quality and our certification to the ISO 9000 standards. From concept to component selection and prototype, all within the scope of ISO 9001 design standards. From limited production to high volume requirements, our manufacturing and sales team work hand-in-hand with engineering to assure delivery of highest quality products and service.

Sunpow products are represented in over 25 countries and it continues to design and produce ....innovative products for the future. To see a more comprehensive view of the Sunpow products please go to the “Product Center” on the menu bar.